MAINMENU This will depend on the length of the paper you are using. 66 lines is standard for A4 paper. Non- standard sizes may require a little experimentation before the length is set properly. The length set here does not affect page length in the word processor - only reports. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit Date and the day This Message in- of the week for dicates if the currently NOTES Screen has selected any information Press F6 54 appointments, Press Ctrl_Esc to to print 8 AM To 9:15PM. return without save appointments Press ENTER to go to next appoint- Press Ctrl_Enter ment slot, ESC to to save changes the previous slot to appointments TAB move 8 slots AND notes MAINMENU Help on using the Appointment Scheduler Page 1 of 1 TThe first step is to choose a particular individual's schedule from the picklist presented. Names can be added/removed from this list in the Supporting Files section. Next you will be shown a screen with every Sunday in the year marked. These days are taken as the first day of the week and by moving the cursor using and pressing ENTER you will be shown that week. _If there are no appointments for that week the "Add an appointment" screen will be brought up. Press ESC if this is not needed. dA check will be made if an appointment overlaps with an existing one. Appointments can be linked with a particular prospect - press F10 for a pick list of prospects - or left blank if it "general" such as a visit to the doctor etc. ALT_A in Telemarketing will show a history of the prospect's appointments. F6 prints out a range of appointments, handy for carrying around with you. F10 shows a graph of the free time for that week. At the end of the day/week it is a good idea to go back and fill in the appointment notes so that a permanent record is available of what happened at the meeting. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit peUTILS Backup and restore routines for either named databases or all supporting files - including appt.schedules Delete all files on the current backup drive Change the current disk drive used for backups and also set its capacity Enter for more HELP ESC to Quit 7 >/ If warning beeps irritate you select OFF here MAINMENU The cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn etc can be used to browse through the document but no alterations can be made. To make changes you would need to go to the "Do a Mail Shot" option on the main menu. However, making alterations is not recommended because this document forms part of the record of what has been said to this prospect (and others). E`` MAINMENU Every Sunday in the year is shown. This day is taken as the first day of the week. To Change Weeks To Change Years PgUP Last Year PgDn Next Year Ctrl_Home Return to Todays Date ESC to return to Main Menu MAINMENU Next Month Previous Month Ctrl PgUp Next Year Ctrl PgDn Previous Year Ctrl Home Return to today MAINMENU The usual cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn etc can be used to move about the table. CTRL_END goes to the last entry. To look for a particular name start typing the first few letters and then press ENTER. $Changes to records can be made by means of the keys below. ENTER for more help ESC to quit UPDREC Useful as a memory-jogger when making a phone call. MAINMENU "Left Margin column 2" means the margin between columns 1 and 2. Usually kept the same as the margin for column one. Labels per page (single sheet) : this is measured in rows. ENTER for main menu ESC to quit MAINMENU The usual text editing keys can be used to make changes if you wish. Be sure to press CTRL_ENTER when you have finished so that the amendments are saved to disk. F10 will just move you on to the next match found. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit UPDREC The Counties look-up files can be maintained by choosing the Supporting Files option from the main menu. UPDREC This number will be used for autodialling if a modem is connected (and the configuration file set up for a modem - see CONFIGURATION in Utilities) Apart from numbers the following can be used : ( ) - SPACE MAINMENU If the window is blank pressing CTRL_ESC (or ESC from the top line) will allow an exit without creating a record in the subsidiary file for telephone messages. CTRL_ENTER (or ENTER at the last line) will save any changes made. ALT_T toggles the Telephone Call Timer - on,freeze,off UPDREC Enter the Company Name or Surname ENTER for more help UPDREC The street and any suburb should be entered here. UPDREC Only the town should be entered here because this field is a KEY field for sorting, filing etc. If the town is changed then the county and postcode are automatically changed too. If adding a record then county and postcode will be filled in from the Counties supporting file. For Consistency it is recommended that LONDON is put in the County field and the borough (eg Chelsea) is entered under Town. SMAINMENU The control codes can be embedded in word processor produced documents and will be sent to the printer at the relevant time. Only numbers will be accepted. So for example ESC should be entered as 27. Some printer manuals show the control codes as ASCII eg; (s3B To see a list of the ASCII codes press ALT_A. ENTER for main menu ESC to quit New printers can be added to the picklist by going to the Supporting Files option off the main menu. UPDREC The type chosen here will determine how the mailshot is addressed and also which of the following fields on the form will need completing. The column width shown at the top of the screen will determine what sort of document is created when you press the INS key. Pressing ALT_W will toggle between the two types - 65 and 78 columns wide. To simplify working with documents you might like to use ALT_D which will shown only documents which have been allocated to a particular database. ALT_P prints just one letter. No pre-selecting is needed. SELHLP De-selecting all records is recommended to ensure that you are starting a fresh selection from a "clean slate" rMAINMENU These are the currently available selected record files. The filename is made up of the database name plus .SEL The size of the file in bytes is shown, as is the date and time it was created. It could have been created in either the mailshot or the telemarket routines. Move the curosr bar over the desired file and press ENTER ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit /UTILS This option should only be needed if as a result of, say, hardware failure the key files have been lost or corrupted in some way. It can be looked on as a sort of "disk doctor" for fixing broken files. Once the process has been started it should not be interrupted! SELVAR MAIL SHOT HELP Page 1 of 4 A mail shot is three-stage process: }1) Create the document with the word processor. (option 1 in the mailshot menu). The document could be a letter, label or whatever. This document is then saved under the name you have chosen. Follow the layout of the templates. ALT_W will toggle between 65 and 78 column mode. ALT_D will show only documents relating to a specified database. ALT_P prints a one-off letter. ALT_I can import a text file, say a letter created outside of Mktr. Y2) Select the records. See "Selecting Records" in the main help menu for more info. 3) Choose the mail shot option on the menu. You will then be prompted for the document to use. Before printing the letters you will be able to view them on the screen first if you wish. A log will automatically be made of which records have been used. Choose option 4 to view, print etc logs. qIf a line of the address is blank the address will be "closed up" to allow for it. ENTER for next page ESC to quit UTILS An opportunity to choose a database will be given. Packing of counties, categories and other supporting files will start immediately. UTILS Choose the file format you want to export to Enter the path and name of the destination. Typical file extensions would be: DBASE *.DBF *.DIF BASIC *.BAS MAINMENU Merge a prospect's details with a document, no select- ing needed Converts a text file created outside of Marketeer into the correct format 8 9/ If you find the red F10 prompts in the Edit Prospects section distracting you can turn them off here. The prospect could be in another database The closest match will be highlighted FILE NAME: Enter any valid file name. The report will be saved with that name. Warning: If the file already exists, it will be replaced. This title will be used as the reference when ALT_Y is pressed in TELEMARKET section. MAINMENU EG; c:\wp\letter.txt UPDREC This is the date of the last phone call or letter PLUS the number of dates set up in CONFIGURATION. It can be overriden for individual records if needed. MAINMENU Whenever a mail shot or letter is sent out the "follow up date" field in a record will be filled with the date of the mail shot plus the number of days you specify here. So if you want to follow up contacts after a month move the cursor to 4. Use the cusror keys -> <- to select. Only the messages for this prospect are shown. All the usual cursor keys can be used to move around the picklist. Press ENTER to go into browse/update mode. This allows scrolling through the messages themselves. Toggle a reminder line on/off with F10. To get reminders showing when you first switch on your computer include this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (at the end if possible): MARKET.BAT R This may have been done for you by the installation program, if you requested it. HOW MANY COPIES? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. How many copies? Enter the number of copies to be printed for this report. Printer: Select the printer port to be used for this report. The choices are listed to the right. Use the arrow keys to choose one. If you are unsure, user LPT1. Number of pages: This shows the total number of pages that will be printed. If the report is 2 pages long and you select 1 copy, then 2 pages will print. If you select 2 copies, 4 pages will print MAINMENU Name of Description of Date and time Database Database of last backup Use the cursor keys to select a database to work on. ENTER for more help 'ESC to quit Press the first letter of the title you want or use the cursor keys to position the highlighted bar, and then press ENTER eMAINMENU Records selected here have priority over the other methods. If they have been marked as "suspended" with ALT_S in the update procedure then an "S" will be shown to the right of "last letter". ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit aHLPXQF2 EXAMPLE SEARCHES Page 1 of 2 The search field is 255 characters long and will scroll sideways when the right hand edge of the screen is reached. sTEXT SEARCHES The search string must be enclosed in ' ' and can only be carried out on fields marked with an S (see search screen) u1) You are left a note which has only a phone number on it. {'122345' IN PHONE -search string field Koperator This will produce the prospects record. u2) a "boolean" search involves the use of AND and OR and can produce a range of records. C'0344' IN PHONE OR '0734' IN PHONE (This will pull out all records with a Bracknell or Reading STD code ENTER for next page 'ESC to quit ulMAINMENU EXAMPLE SEARCHES (Page 2 of 2 Fields can also be searched for comparisons: tTOWN = 'Thatcham' All string comparisons and searches are case insensitive ( ie string "ABCD" would match "abcd"). Strings are compared to their length. For example if the COUNTY field had 'ABCDEFG' in it, the expression COUNTY = 'AB' would be a match. fDATE SEARCHES Dates must be in the format DD/MM/YY : zLASTLET > 01/04/91 AND LASTLET < 30/04/91 'This will produce all prospects last written to in April 1991 ^Beginners' Mode: EThis allows the build up of a search string by an easier method of "point and shoot", with the available choices at any point being pre-selected by the program. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit SELHLP 'YES' will override the other selections and ensure that only records due a follow-up will be selected. ENTER for more help ESC to quit RTSELHLP Records selected here have priority over the other methods. If they have been marked as "suspended" an "S" will be shown to the right of "last letter". If you de-select a record here then you should return to the mailshot menu by option 8 which will not "re-mark" according to the Category/Area criteria. ENTER for more help ESC to quit The IBM line drawing set (an example of which is the border around this help window) is not printable on some printers such as daisy wheels and on others like dot matrix machines it can be very slow. If you select NO at this field the IBM line drawing characters will not be used in reports. UTILS Choose file format of source file. Enter the name of the file you are importing. ENTER for more help $ESC to quit yoMAINMENU DATA IMPORT HELP Page 2 of 2 UPressing F1 help at any of the above stages will bring even more detailed assistance. BASIC files: the string delimiter is " and the field separator is , If you wish to change these then type CCVT at the DOS prompt and follow the instructions. IMPORTANT: After importing you should go into the Update module and look at each record. This will allow you to add the business category, type('C' or 'P') and will also do duplicate checking. aIf you have a problem with importing data the most likely cause is that you have omitted step 3) on the previous page - adding 'CT' to your chosen database name. BASIC/CSV/ASCII imports: Edit the first line of the file to be imported so that it contains the names of the fields to be imported. Have a look at the example file DEMOBAS.ASC. Field names can be found in the manual. Please note that DBASE memo fields cannot be imported. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit reIMPHLP2 DATA IMPORT HELP Page 1 of 2 UImporting data is more involved because of the need to "synchronise" the field names, types and lengths. }Before starting have a look at the Data Import section of the manual which shows the layout of the main database record. You should try to ensure that the names or labels on the file that you want to import correspond as far as possible with this layout. qFor the initial stages just follow the on screen prompts. When the program stops you will be at the File Utility window and should proceed as follows: 1) Press ENTER to accept Market.src ,2) Type CONTACTS then ENTER 43) Type name of the new database (6 characters) plus CT then ENTER eg MYDATACT <4) Same as 3) B5) Line up fields so that they correspond using cursor keys. 6) GO with CTRL_ENTER :7) ESC when finished. ENTER for next page ESC to quit MAINMENU These are the standard Hayes modem control strings. If you are on one of the older pulse exchanges then change the string to ATDP. If you have problems using the ALT_D dial facility it could be that one of these 4 strings needs tailoring for your particular modem and you should consult the modem manual for more info. represents a Carriage Return (code 13) and is entered by holding down the ALT key and at the same time pressing 13 on the numeric notepad. A letter can be "re-allocated" to another document by pressing F10 Pressing ENTER will display the document that was sent. UPDREC This field is for information only If it is left blank it will not be printed in mailshots. If possible the street should be put in the next field as this is used for duplicate checking. Answering OFF here were put Num Lock etc under your control. MAINMENU Logs are lists of which records have been used in mail shot. They can be used to "re-run" the same selection at a later date. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit MAINMENU Use the cursor keys to select a log file and then one of the keys shown below to view, print etc. F10 allows the re-selecting of a previous mailshot. You will be asked whether you wish to de-select existing selections. If you answer NO you will be able to build up a "compound" selection made of a number of logs. Only the logs for this database are shown here. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit MAIL4HLP MAIL SHOT HELP Page 3 of 4 UWhen a mail shot run is "previewed" by sending it to the screen rather than the printer certain strange characters will be seen: start of a new document a printable line non-printable line : used for form feeds, pauses etc pause The above characters are used for print control purposes and will not be printed. EXTRA OPTIONS : These are obtained by pressing the hot keys shown at the footer. they will allow COPYING a document to another name, IMPORTING a text file created outside Marketeer and also ONE-OFF letters to prospects. These operations are all carried out by means of picklists. ENTER for next page $ESC to quit ctMAINMENU MAIL SHOT HELP Page 4 of 4 ULabels are fully configurable form the Do a Mail Shot menu. The formats are one-across, two-across and three-across. lThey can be setup for margins, spacing between labels and columns of labels and also for the number of rows of labels per page if a sheet fed printer is being used. ENTER for main menu #ESC to quit MAINMENU Enter, Change or Lookup Appointments and Diary Notes for a schedule Add,Change,Delete Schedules Search for a word or phrase. Upper/lower case will be ignored GSTART UUPDREC TTELEMA DDOMAIL UUTILS SSELHLP SHLPXQF AAPPTS SSTNADKEY IIMPMHLP TTERMSHLP !Main Help Menu Getting Started Updating/Adding Records Telemarket/Browse Doing a mail shot Utilities Selecting Records Searches Appointment Scheduler Standard Keys Importing Data Terms Used Help for particular windows and entry fields is available in addition to the above. PgUp and PgDn can be used to move through linked help screens. ESC returns you to the program. If you are running MARKETEER for the first time choose option 1 "Getting Started" for an overview of the features available. ESC to quit SMAXIONE Memory Status M = Memory <> 0 Print Status P = Print On Scroll Status S = Scroll On Keyboard Status = First of 2 Key Entry *Esc : Returns To Menu ;C A : Clear All except Memory 3C E : Clear Entry ?<-- : Back Space Key M C : Memory Clear >M R : Memory Recall =M + : Memory Plus ?M - : Memory Minus >SQr : Square Root Function 6LOg : Base 10 Logarithm 9LGe : Natural Logarithm 9SIn : Sine of an angle in radians /COs : Cosine of an angle in radians -Tan : Tangent of an angle in radians ,ASn : Arcsine of a sine in radians .ACs : Arcosine of a cosine in radians +ATn : Arctangent of a tangent in radians : Enter Key = Equal sign ;Press ENTER for more help rMAXICALC Scrolling output on the "paper tape" is toggled on and off by entering SCR Printing is toggled with PRN ESC or ENTER to return # & DnMM3BLOCK Cursor Control Keys cursor up backspace cursor down go to next tab stop cursor left left to tab stop cursor right go left one word go to beginning of line go right one word go to end of line ^PGUP go to top line go to previous page ^PGDN go to last line go to next page ^HOME erase entire line toggle insert mode erase character Block Operations Other mark characters ^ENTER accept (changes saved) mark lines cancel(changes not saved) Alt M move memory available Alt C copy Alt D delete ^ means pressed with CTRL key means pressed with SHIFT key ENTER for more, ESC to quit DOMAIL Write letters, labels etc and add database fields to be merged. Maintain scripts used in Telemarketing Log files of mail shots View, Print or send Wordperfect Interface the report to a disk file for printing later Return to main menu ENTER for more help #ESC to quit MAINMENU Block Operations MARKING A BLOCK. Press the key to start marking (either characters or lines) and move the cursor to mark the desired block of text. Press the same key to stop the marking. The block will be "marked." MOVING/COPYING. After marking a block (see above) move the cursor to the new position for the block and press the key for either Moving or Copying. DELETING. After marking a block (see above), press the key for deleting and the block will be removed. UN-MARKING. Press the escape key or the same key used to mark the block. The block will be "un-marked." ENTER for more - ESC to quit The name entered here will appear at the top of main screens and also on printed reports. This TEXT field can be scrolled by using the Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn, Ctrl_PgUp, and Ctrl_PgDn keys, to view the additional rows not currently displayed. Ctrl_Enter is used to save and return to the appoinment window. Ctrl_Esc is used to return without saving. Pressing Enter or the Down key on the last row will save to the text field without returning to the appointment window. Pressing the Esc or the Up key on the first row will erase current changes without returning. If the notes window is blank pressing CTRL_ESC (or ESC from the top line) will allow an exit without creating a record in the NOTES subsidiary file. CTRL_ENTER (or ENTER at the last line) will save any changes made. Only used when printing reports. Lines per page in the word processor is directly related to where the {Form Feed} variable is inserted. For a chosen database, records can be added, changed and deleted with automatic lookup of county and postcode. If you decide to use a password - please don't forget it !! MAINMENU Use the cursor keys, PgDn etc to move around. Start typing to move to a particular name. Because only "selected" records are being shown the operation of this picklist may be a little slower than usual. ENTER to choose the name under the cursor bar. To Change Days To Change Year/month PgUP Next Month PgDn Last Month Above keys plus CTRL will change the year Home Return to Todays Date ESC to quit ilMAINMENU If you are already using Serial Port one for something else, like a mouse, then choose 2. If you have problems auto-dialling then choice of the wrong port is a prime suspect. UPDREC This is a KEY field : it can be used for selecting records. See under Selecting for more info. UPDREC Information only field PRINTER ERROR The printer is not responding to the computer. Possible reasons include: 1. Printer turned off 2. Printer unplugged 3. Out of paper 4. "On-line" light is not light. 5. Cable is loose between the printer and the computer. Check the above. Turn the printer off then back on and retry. MAINMENU If your printer is not on this list use INS to add it. The control codes can be found in the printer manual usually. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit MAINMENU The default start and end dates will cover the whole database. Just press ENTER at these fields. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit If you have moved away from your computer (or maybe you want to snooze!) then when the time for a reminder comes up the computer will beep like an alarm clock. MAINMENU When a report is chosen you will be prompted if you want to see Full record details or just an abbreviated single line version. Reports can be viewed on the screen or sent to the printer or a file. In name order with subtotals for town etc. Uses only selected recs of a previous mailshot teUPDREC The usual cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn etc can be used to move about the table. CTRL_END goes to the last entry. To look for a particular name start typing the first few letters and then press ENTER. #Changes to records can be made by means of the keys at the bottom of the screen. ENTER for more help ESC to quit You may select to view the report on the screen, print on the printer or save it to a file. Use the arrow keys to move to your selection and press the ENTER key. Screen: This opens a window and allows you to view the report on the screen. Printer: Sends the report out to the printer. You can press the ESC key during printing to cancel at any time. File: Saves the report to a file. UPDREC Anything entered here will be used as the salutation in mailshots. Leave it blank if you want to use the "Dear" above. Day of The month To Change Days To Change Months PgUP Last Month PgDn Next Month Ctrl_PgUp Last Year Total number of Ctrl_PgDn Next Year AM Appointments Ctrl_Home Return to Todays Date Total number of PM Appointments Enter for Appointments Ctrl_Esc to return to Main Menu ACTIVE FILE esSELHLP2 Help on Selecting Records for a mailshot or telemarketing Page 1 of 4 VSelecting can be done by one of FIVE ways: By CATEGORY and ONE of the following: TOWN COUNTY POSTCODE So for example you could select all the Accountants in Reading and Newbury. By NAME. this option is shown as such on the Selection Menu and allows particular prospects to be selected/de-selected. By pressing F10 in the logs selection of the mail shot menu. Logs are lists of the records used in a mailshot and should you wish to write to (or follow up with a phone call) the same people you can do so this way. Logs can also be merged. By searching the Notes for a word or phrase (case is ignored). Searches option on main menu. Any field can be searched and/or used for selection. ENTER for next page ESC to quit SELHLP3 Help on selecting records for a mail shot or telemarketing Page 2 of 3 Records marked under 1) and 2) are "transferred" to the main database file before being effective. lPlease note that if you use method 1) and then method 2) the transfer process will give priority to the method 2) selections. But any de- selections made under method 2) could be overriden by method 1) selections. It is best not to mix selection methods. kThere is also a shortcut Select All option. uBefore starting a new selection all records should be de-selected to ensure a "clean slate". As a final step you will be asked whether you wish to select only records which are due a follow up - based on today's date as reported by your computer. If this date is wrong you can change it in the utilities section. ENTER for next page ESC to quit ptSELHLP4 Help on selecting records for a mail shot or telemarketing Page 3 of 4 TMethod 4) allows you to set up your own selection criteria if you put relevant keywords in your prospect notes. As an example let's say you are a computer dealer and while you are on the phone talking to prospects you make Notes (using ALT_N) of their equipment. So you enter keywords such as "network", "laser printer" etc which can be used at a later date to precisely target a particular mail shot. YIf the records selected line shows ? this indicates that the "view all" option has been chosen and the actual number of records selected cannot be reliably determined. If all records are de- selected this situation will be corrected. The ? could have resulted form aborting a selection run part way through. qSUMMARY: The important thing to remember is that if you select a business category you MUST also select ONE of the areas (town,county or postcode). Let's say you want to mail 50 businesses a week. Once you have chosen the categories mark towns from say A to E, press 9 to start the selection process and ENTER for next page #ESC to quit drMAINMENU Help on selecting records Page 4 of 4 Uthen look at the Records Selected indicator to see how near you are to your target of 50. Just using option 1 and ONE of option 2 or 3 or 4 will not in itself "mark" records. You need to use option 9 "Start Selecting" to do this. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit 'MAINMENU If you answer 'No' here the records contained in the log will be added to any existing selections. So if for example you had done three small mailshots you could combine them into one large follow-up mailshot or telemarket by using F10 on each one and responding with 'No' at this screen. But take care that all the original mailshots were themselves selected on the same area basis. For example merging a selection based on particular towns with one based on county will result in the county selection overriding the "lower priority" towns. hMAIL3HLP MAIL SHOT HELP - INSERTING VARIABLES Page 2 of 4 Move the cursor bar over the desired field and press ENTER. If 'P' was selected when the record was created then a line composed of Title - Initials - Surname will be inserted at the cursor position. EG; Mr J.T.Thomas }If the contact salutation is blank for a prospect then the first salutation will be used. These fields should be on their own line and on the extreme left side of the page: {Form Feed} Feed another page into the printer {Padding} Should be placed somewhere between address & Dear {Pause} Handy with single sheet printers oThe last field inserted should be a Form Feed for letters. For some cut-sheet feeders such as the Brother HR range the first sheet should be positioned by hand. Subsequent sheets will then be fed correctly. This is not necessary for printers such as the Laserjet and Deskjet. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit MAINMENU Select YES to get only records with a follow up date equal to or later than today. MAINMENU TELEMARKET HELP Page 2 of 2 Use the cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn, Home and End to move around the selected records. 4Hotkeys: Calculator - with printout Appointments scheduler & Diary Calendar To Do List Change Database 4F10 Prospect Picklist 2ALT_A Look at history of appointments & meetings ALT_D Dial the phone number .ALT_F Field Arithmetic (total,average) #ALT_L Look at letters to this prospect #ALT_N Look at background notes +ALT_P Look at history of phone calls to this *prospect- starting with most recent. ALT_T Telephone Call Timer - toggles On,Freeze,Off ALT_W Write a one-off letter -ALT_X Set the default script -ALT_Y View the script ENTER for main menu %ESC to quit If you enter an appointment time which overlaps one already made a warning message will pop up. The prospect name (if any) and the first line of the notes have been truncated to fit on the screen. The actual records themselves are unaffected. MAINMENU USE THESE KEYS TO MOVE ABOUT Scrolls down one line Scrolls up one line PgDn Scrolls down one screen gUp Scrolls up one screen ^PgDn Goes to the bottom ^PgDn Goes to the top Moves left 10 columns Moves right 10 columns ^ means pressed with Ctrl key MAINMENU Select a document to work on by using one of the four keys shown at the foot of the screen. To save writing over the templates use F10 to bring up the Extra Options Menu and then make a copy of the document with your own name and description. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit MAINMENU Matches that have been found will be scrolled a page at a time. At the end a count total will be shown scHLPXQF To return the display to showing all records in a database press F10, option 4, CTRL_END(which will clear the search field) and then ENTER. For very large files and very precise searches there may be a noticeable delay. Searches on SURNAME will be quicker because this field is "keyed". It would not be practicable in terms of disk space and memory size to create a Key File for every field however. ENTER for more ESC to quit HLPXQF The usual cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn etc can be used to move about the table. CTRL_END goes to the last entry. To look for a particular name start typing the first few letters and then press ENTER. #Changes to records can be made by means of the keys at the bottom of the screen. ENTER for more help ESC to quit r'START2 HELP ON GETTING STARTED Page 1 of 2 VMARKETEER was designed as a Direct Marketing Tool which allows multiple databases to be used for mail shots with the built-in word processor and then followed up with a phone call (Telemarket Option) or another letter. zFast data entry is possible with the use of pick-lists and also the automatic insertion of county and postcode (first part) for a given town. The logical sequence in using the program is 1,2,3,4 as set out in the main menu: Ioption 1 : Enter details 8option 2 : Make a selection 5option 3 : Do a mail shot 7option 4 : Telemarket follow up. vKeys are used in a standard way throughout. F1 brings help at any point. (including help on Standard Keys Used) sAfter you have read the various help screens check that configuration ENTER for more help ESC to quit ~MAINMENU HELP ON GETTING STARTED Page 2 of 2 Vis correct. (Go to Utilities option on main menu) oThroughout MARKETEER reference is made to "prospects" which reflects the program's marketing origins. However, MARKETEER could also be used to manage other types of contacts such as club members and customer support. There is a screen-saver feature which ensures that if the program is left for more than 10 minutes without a key being touched then your monitor's screen will be blanked. The screen image will be restored as soon as any key is pressed. (Phosphor "burn-in" can occur if an image is left for too long on the screen) wPRINTING: GBefore printing a mail shot you should check in Configuration that the correct printer has been selected. If your printer is not on the pick list you can add it by choosing Printers on the Supporting Files menu. You will then be prompted for control codes, which should be shown in your printer's manual. ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit STNDKEY2 STANDARD KEYS HELP Page 1 of 2 An underline is to be read as "and also press". So ALT_L means press ALT key and also press L |On pick lists (such as when selecting a database to work on): add a record ,ENTER change a record )DEL delete record (confirm will be required) finish .On entry forms (as when entering name & address details): ENTER move to next field (also CTL_ENTER save all changes and finish back up a field (quit if on first field) CTRL_ESC abandon any changes and finish help (including other keys in use) calculator appointments scheduler calendar to do list print change database )F10 look-ups and copying ENTER for next page &ESC to quit MAINMENU Help on Standard Keys Used Page 2 of 2 When telemarketing : ALT_A Prospect's appointment history %ALT_D Dial the prospects phone number $ALT_F Field Arithmetic (total/average) #ALT_L Look at letters sent to this prospect ALT_N Background notes 3ALT_P Look at the history of phone calls to this prospect starting with the most recent call. Also use this option to create a new message. $ALT_T Telephone Call Timer - toggles On,Freeze,Off ALT_W Write a one-off letter -ALT_X Set the default script -ALT_Y View the script When updating records only : ALT_S Suspend the record. One step short of deletion. The prospect will be bypassed on any mailshot or telemarket selection and a message "SUSPENDED" will be displayed on the update form's screen. ENTER for main menu ESC to quit MAINMENU Most of these files are used as lookups in the Edit Prospects section PENTER for main help menu ESC to quit Exit report viewer Search for text Repeat last search Line up Line down < Set bookmark Go to bookmark # <1> - <9> Page up Swap bookmark # - Page down Jump to printer page First page Jump to screen page Last page Lock/unlock column titles First column Lock/unlock row titles Scroll right < Scroll left < Toggle cursor bar on/off Lock cursor bar position Large scroll right Resume background reading ESC to quit I`` mSHCATEGH TELEMARKET HELP Page 1 of 2 UTo get the most out of a mail shot it is generally recognised that there should be a telephone follow up. This option not only allows for this but it also permits look-up of all letters and phone calls for a particular prospect, as well as the appointments diary, by means of hotkeys. You could of course skip the mail shot and go straight to a telemarket exercise. For details of selecting records have a look at "Selecting" in the main help menu. Whenever a phone message is created the follow up date is automatically incremented according to the setting in "configuration". This follow up date can be overriden if necessary. sTo jump to a particular prospect press F10 for a picklist. A full list of the active hotkeys is available on the next page. ENTER for next page ESC to quit MAINMENU This is a standard Hayes command string to disconnect the modem from the phone line. MAINMENU TERMINOLOGY HELP Page 2 of 2 URELATIONAL As in relational database. Describes how all #the records are linked (or related) in a variety of ways. EG, letters to a particular prospect #are also linked to the documents database. ^RECORD A record is composed of fields and is itself the component of databases. qSUPPORTING FILE Used in look ups. For example the Company Titles ENTER for main help menu ESC to quit *TERMS2 TERMINOLOGY HELP Page 1 of 2 TBACK UP Copy database and/or supporting files to floppies for security reasons. Floppy drive/capacity $should be set up first in Configuration. _DATABASE An ordered collection of records which can be #quickly accessed by key files such as Surname, "Record Number etc. uFIELD Component part of a record. EG, Phone Number $The hierarchy is Fields -> Records -> Databases XFILE This is how MS-DOS "sees" the databases. Typing !DIR at the DOS prompt will list the files. ]KEY Used to describe a field (or corresponding file) which enables fast retrieval of a record. ^MODEM A piece of equipment which plugs into the phone !socket and allows the program to automatically "dial prospects. ENTER for next page ESC to quit UTILS Name of the Clarion database that will receive the imported records. This should be a new name, six characters long with any spaces represented by an underline _. (This is to conform with MS-DOS filename rules) The description that you want to use for ease of identification. ENTER for more help $ESC to quit Appointments can be allocated to a prospect, but only if F3 is pressed in Telemarketing. This allows the ALT_A hotkey to bring up a history of the appointments made for a particular prospect. The prospect's name and the first line of the notes have been truncated to fit on the screen. iCAT1 The name entered here should be six characters long and conform to MS_DOS rules for filenames. If the name you enter is invalid you will be prompted to re-enter. Enter a description of your choosing Pressing PgUp or PgDn will take you into browse mode. Then pressing INS, ENTER or DEL will put you straight back into editing mode. F10 on the date field will bring up the mini calendar. CTRL_ENTER save changes and return to picklist CTRL_ESC return to picklist WITHOUT saving changes tUPDREC2 Help on Updating Records Page 1 of 3 Records are held in databases which you create with your own names and descriptions. The number of records and databases is limited only by the size of your hard disk. CTRL_ENTER save any changes made and return CTRL_ESC leave the update form without saving changes ENTER move on to the next field $ESC back up a field (exits if on first field) ALT_S suspend a record - excludes from mail shots help system 2CTRL_D,P etc jump to the field with the highlighted first letter ALT_D dial the phone (modem required) ALT_F field arithmetic (total/average) ALT_L view letters 1ALT_N notes 8ALT_P view phone messages *ALT_T timer for phone calls $Records are classified as either personal (Mr,Mrs etc) or company. This is so that the correct form of salutation is used when a mail shot is sent out. If 'C' for company is selected then you can choose a company title from a pick list. ENTER for next page ESC to quit UPDREC3 Help on Updating Records Page 2 of 3 It is recommended that London is put in the County field. F10 will override the need for a county if none is available. yAdding a record: The County will be looked up and inserted. &You can accept or change what has been *inserted in the County field. 3If a town cannot be found it will be added. Changing a record: After the town has been entered press F10 'and the County will be looked up as above. Contact's salutation (second Dear on the form): If this is left blank the salutation on letters will be as line 5 on the form. If you do put anything here it will be used instead. E.G.; if you are on first name terms you could enter that here. {Last Letter: This is entered by the program whenever a mailshot is done. Last Phone: The date of the last phone message is entered by the program whenever a message is created. ENTER for next page ESC to quit MAINMENU Help on Updating Records Page 3 of 3 TRecord number is a unique ID supplied by the program for each record. [Category code is selected from a pick-list. uAll pick-lists are maintainable. Choose "Supporting Files" from the main menu. Whenever a record is added or changed a check is made to see if there are any possible duplicates. You will be given the option to delete the duplicate(s) or ignore them. USER DEFINABLE FIELDS The descriptions of these fields can be changed by going to the Supporting Files option on the main menu. These fields will show up in Telemarketing and can also be used for carrying out complex searches. Default field names ("User Field 1" etc) are set up in the Configuration section. ENTER for more main help menu ESC to quit reUPDREC If the Contact "Dear" (see below) is left blank then any text entered here will be used in the mailshot to address this particular prospect. UPDHLP1 The usual cursor keys, PgUp, PgDn etc can be used to move about the table. CTRL_END goes to the last entry. To look for a particular name start typing the first few letters and then press ENTER. $Changes to records can be made by means of the keys below. ENTER for more help ESC to quit MAINMENU Enter here the field descriptions you want to see whenever a new database is created. These names can be overriden by using the option in Supporting Files. UTILS Set up the system details for your equipment Remove deleted records and compact files Import/Export data to/from DBASE II/ DIF, BASIC formats. Before starting a backup you will In the event of a be prompted with the number of Records must hardware failure the empty, formatted disks required. be selected counts of categories, Check in "configuration" that the first!! towns etc may not be drive and capacity are correct. correct. MAINMENU UTILITIES HELP Page 1 of 1 PACK FILES : Deleted records are removed and data ,files and indexes are made more 1compact and efficient. BACK UP/RESTORE : First specify the backup drive & 0capacity on the configure screen. /You will be prompted with the number ,of disks required and the date/time of a (backup will be shown beside the name. EXPORT/IMPORT DATA : Names,addresses, contacts etc can be ,exported/imported to/from DBASE, DIF and (BASIC (CSV,ASCII) formats. Please note *that DBASE memo fields are not imported. REBUILD KEYS: In the event of a hardware failure and *damage to a database's files use this. REBUILD RECORD COUNTS : If key files need rebuilding then this *option should also be used to ensure ,that counts of categories, towns etc ,are correct. *SPLIT DATABASES Records must be "marked" first in one or (more databases. These will then be moved 'to another (already created) database. ENTER for main help menu !ESC to quit nMAINMENU Letters (and other documents) are shown in record number order, and then in date order. The cursor keys can be used to scroll through the list or you can jump to a particular prospect by keying in part of their record number. Record numbers are shown on the last but one line of this form and are made up of the first three letters of the name plus a unique number. Normally just typing the letter part will be enough to get you to the desired record. ENTER for more ESC to quit Use the cursor keys to choose a message to view. Typing the first few characters of the Record No. will take you to that general area. 66 APPOINT APPTS > BACKHLP i BEEPHLP R BROWHLP CALENDAR CALHLP H CAT1 9 CCONTACT CNFPRT T COMHLP COUUPD CPHONE CREATEPH" CS CSTREET CTOWN CTRLSTR CTRLSTRH CTYPE o% DCSHLP \& DESEL z( DIRHLP 3) DOBUILD 9+ DOMAIL DOPACK =1 EXPHLP F3 EXTRAHLP F10HLP F10HLPW B8 FILENAME FILNAME_a: FNAMEHLP FOLLOUPD FOLLOWHL GETMSG GETREMHL GET_CPY NA GET_CPY2fB GET_DATA GOTITHLP.H HELP_SEL HLPMARK1'I HLPXQF HLPXQF2 HLP_CAS HLP_FOLL0Q HLP_MARKJR IBMLINES IMPHLP mV IMPHLP2 4X IMPMHLP c\ INITHLP 3` INITSTRH LETLOCHL LINE1HLP LOCKSHLP LOGDETHL6e LOGHLP ^f MAIL3HLP MAIL4HLP MAIN MAINMENU MAXICALC't MAXIONE Sy MEMO3 MENU 9 MM3BLOCK NAMECNFH1 NOTES NTSHLP1 NUMLINESZ OPDPROSP= PASSHLP PICKCUST\ POPHLP PORTHLP POSUPD1 POSUPD2 PRNT_ERR PRTCTL RANGE_HL RBEEPHLP REPMENU REVHLP s ROUTE & SALUT2HL SCHEDULE SELHLP SELHLP2 r SELHLP3 # SELHLP4 SELLOG SELVAR SET2HLP SHCATEGH SHOWAP1H7 SHOWFIL SHWDOC_Ha SRCHAPHL SRCHHLP SRCHLP ! START START2 ~ STNADKEY STNDKEY2+ SUPPHLP SUPRVIEW& TELEMA , TERMHLP TERMS2 TERMSHLP UDPIMPHL UPDAPPHL UPDHLP1 v UPDMSG UPDREC - UPDREC2 UPDREC3 UPDREV UPD_DATA USRFLD u UTILMENUj UTILS VWLET VWPHO